Institute of Asset Integrity & Reliability Management
Learn the Strategies for Safety, Reliability and Integrity

Virtual Conference on
"Operation, Maintenance,
Integrity & Safety Management of CGD Network"
Date: 11th Feb 2022
Time: 09.30 am - 04:00 pm Indian Standard Time (IST)
City Gas Distribution (CGD) is the fastest-growing end-user segment and becoming an integral part of the country's economic development. CGD operations are, however, prone to safety concerns. In the recent past, there have been several cases of pipelines bursting and accidents occurring in the gas pipeline network. These accidents serve as an eye-opener about the requirement for developing and implementing an effective and efficient Integrity & Safety Management plan for city gas distribution network through evaluating the risk associated with it, protect the personnel, property, public & environment, streamline the operation and minimise the CGD network failures.
The subject Conference will provide an effective platform for the professionals involved in Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, HSE, Integrity Management, Corrosion activities in the CGD & PNG Industry across the world for exchanging their ideas, acquiring knowledge on the existing as well as latest solutions and technologies.
Key Topics of Discussion
The technical program will cover, but not limited to the following topics:
- Technology Innovations in City Gas Network Design and Operations
- Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas, Associated Integrity Aspects
- Risk Assessment & Integrity Management Plan
- Digitalization in Monitoring Technologies IoT, Big Data, SCADA, GIS, AI, ML, etc.
- Sensors, Instrumentation & Automation in CGD networks
- Integrity Assessment of City Gas Pipelines with Direct Assessment (ECDA/ICDA)
- Robotic Inspection, ROV, Crawlers & Robotic Pipe Scanner
- Optimising the CP and Coating Surveys (DCVG, CIPS) for City Gas Pipelines
- Coating Condition Assessment (FBE, Internal, 3LPE)
- Thickness Assessment, New Advanced Inspection Techniques
- Online Monitoring for all CGD networks, CMS
- Odorization of CNG & PNG, Leak Detection System
- Safety Systems, Regulations and Inspection Practises
- Emergency Response & Disaster Management Plan
- Predictive & Preventive Maintenance of CGD System
- Pipeline Patrolling & Third Party Damage, Gas Detectors
- Operating and Maintenance Plan
- T4s Regulations & It’s Applications
- Case Studies, Open Q/A & Discussions

Speaking Opportunity
AIRM Institute invites Speakers/ Authors to submit their Abstract on the specified technical topics for Technical Presentation during the conference to:

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The subject event will provide a unique opportunity to promote your products/services to the focused International and National audiences besides having an excellent opportunity to interact with the Key Decision Makers, Bureaucrats, Professionals, Engineers, Scientists, Academia and marketing professionals. Request you to contact us for different options and benefits of Sponsorship/ Branding.
For Registration of Delegate/ Speaker/ Sponsorship Interested to participate, please send your details for
Institute of Asset Integrity & Reliability Management
Mob: +91-81780-77769/99719-43010
Email: webinar@airminstitute.org, registration@airminstitute.org