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Institute of Asset Integrity & Reliability Management
Learn the Strategies for Safety, Reliability and Integrity

7th Global Conference on "Asset Integrity and Reliability Management (AIRM 2025)"
Asset Integrity | Reliability & Risk Based | Inspection q Corrosion Control & Management | Inspection Techniquies & NDT
Date: 09-10 January 2025
Venue: Hotel Radisson Blu, Dwarka, New Delhi

About the Conference
Asset Integrity & Reliability Management (AIRM) is vital in managing Industrial Assets effectively to gain maximum value, profitability and returns while safeguarding personnel, the community, and the environment. Many of the Process Plants, Offshore/Onshore Oil & Gas Installations, Pipelines, Refineries, Petrochemicals, Power etc. worldwide are operating beyond their nominal design life, raising concerns for potential loss of hazardous materials and adverse business impact. The understanding of Asset Management (AM) incorporates design, maintenance, inspection, process, operations, and management concepts since all these disciplines impact the integrity of infrastructure and equipment.
The 7th AIRM 2025 has been designed to address the main challenges in asset management and to help you effectively manage your equipment so that you achieve long-term Plant Reliability, Efficiency, Safety & Profitability. The conference provides an effective platform for Asset Integrity, Risk-Based Inspection, Inspection & NDE, Corrosion Control, Operation & Maintenance professionals from all over the world to interact, share and exchange their experiences.

Technical Advisory Committee of AIRM 2025

“AIRM 2025” Theme Topics
Asset Integrity Management (AIM)
Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) & Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
AIM Improvement Program & Way Forward
Future of Asset Integrity 4.0, Artificial Intelligence & Automation
Usage of Remote Sensors & other Intelligent Tools
AIM program implementation successes & key learning’s
Integrated Approach to Process Safety and Integrity
Development of a Corrosion Management Plan, Integrity Operating Windows (IOW)
Inspection Practices & NDT Techniques
Process Optimization, Operation & Maintenance Aspects
Failure Analysis, Health Assessment & Remaining Life Assessment
Plant Hazards and risk mitigation by HAZOP study
Material Selection & Corrosion Control, Corrosion Software’s
Implementation of IMS (Inspection Management System)
NDE for In-service Inspection, Remote Inspection techniques
Predictive Risk Assessment & Preventive Maintenance Strategies
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance & Improving Operating Performance
Approaches used for Asset Integrity Management
Case Studies, Open Q/A and Discussions
Your active participation and value addition in disseminating knowledge in the said event will surely be encouraging for all attendees & audience. We request if you could present some case studies and experiences on any of the topics mentioned.
AIRM Topics

Abstract Submission Guidelines
Title: Times New Roman; 14 Font, Bold
Author: Times New Roman; 12 Font, Bold
Affiliations: Times New Roman; 11 Font, Bold, Italic
Abstract: Times New Roman; 12 Font, 300 – 500 words
Technical Committee invites authors to submit technical papers on specified technical topics for Physical & Online Paper Presentation during the conference. Abstracts will be evaluated based on relevance, uniqueness/originality, technical content, and clarity. Authors are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding 300-500 words as per the guidelines through email.
Submit Your Abstracts
AIRM Abstract
Registration Details
Corporate Discount: 10% additional discount if 3 & above nos. of delegates participating from same organization.
AIRM Participants

Who should attend?
Professionals from:
Corrosion Control, Asset Integrity, Reliability & HSE Professionals
Operation, Maintenance & Inspection Professionals
Oil & Gas Production/ Processing, Offshore, Onshore, Pipeline
Oil Refineries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, Chemical and Process Industries
CGD, LNG and Natural Gas Industry
Power & Energy Industry, Nuclear Plants
Aerospace, Defence, Shipbuilding, Automobile Sector
Inspection, NDT/ NDE personnel, Failure Analyst, Life Assessment professionals
Design & Engineering Companies, Infrastructure Industry
Inspection & NDE Equipment Manufacturers & Service providers
Corrosion Management Companies/ Professionals
Corrosion Monitoring & Leak Detection Companies
Welding & Fabrication Professionals
Metallurgical, Mechanical & Corrosion Testing Laboratories
Risk Assessment, Risk-Based Inspection Companies
Cathodic Protection, Coating, Inhibitor Companies
Engineering and Professional Technical Institutes
R&D Organizations
Request you to contact us for different options and benefits of Sponsorship/ Branding. Join us, We will deliver an Efficient, Intelligent, and Profitable Platform for your brand.
Promote Your Business/ Sponsorship Opportunity
The subject event will provide a unique opportunity to promote your products/services to the focused International and National audiences besides having an excellent opportunity to interact with the Key Decision Makers, Bureaucrats, Professionals, Engineers, Scientists, Academia and the marketing profession.
Supporting as Branding Partner may help as follows:
• Raise awareness of your business, as well as your products/services
• Build more trust with your target audience by showcasing your value and knowledge
• Generate more targeted and higher-quality leads for your business
• Get attendees interest in buying products and services
• Provide an easy way to handle pre-sales queries face-to-face
• Opportunity to interact with the Key Decision Makers
The organizers will provide a well-furnished modern exhibition facility at the venue which can easily be accessed by the participants. This exhibition will be open to all the delegates and invitees from industry, research and academic institutions during the conference. Choose AIRM 2024 to showcase your products and services to the decision/ policy makers/ end users and create new business opportunities and partnerships. Contact us for more information. The exhibitors will be entitled for the below facilities:
Stalls & Exhibition Charges
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees
Conference Souvenir
Conference Souvenir will be published with details of participating companies, abstracts (presented during the conference), photographs etc. The souvenir will feature advertisements from the industry and is of tremendous publicity & business value. The e-copy of the magazine is going to have a significant number of free circulation worldwide covering almost all the industry, service providers, contractors, suppliers as well as end-users.

AIRM Advertisement


Contact for Registration
Mob: +91-81780 77405 / 81780 78890
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